The various north korean ballistic missiles and their ranges csis missile defense project

North Korea Ballistic Missiles: Various ballistic missiles including nuclear warheads that can reach the United States are being developed and tested
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North Korea Ballistic Missiles

North Korea Ballistic Missiles: Various ballistic missiles including nuclear warheads that can reach the United States are being developed and tested in North Korea. North Korea conducted no fewer than twenty three–missile tests in 2023, and it has an estimated 20 to 30 nuclear warheads.

The most recent test, a Hwasong-15, involved a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that had a potential range of between 8,500 and 13,000 km. In response to this move, South Korea, Japan as well as United States switched on a fresh alert system that can identify and grade all missile attacks launched by North Korea within seconds.

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The international community branded North Korea’s missile program a threat to world peace and security leading to imposition of multiple sanctions on the country. Meanwhile, North Korea does not seem to have any intention of abandoning or negotiating its nuclear and missile pursuits. The last ICBM test known as the Hwasong-18 demonstrated over 9,000 miles which is sufficient distance for any part of America.

North Korea’s missile program worries the US.

The concern of the US is North Korea's missile program which poses a major security threat to America and its allies. Having developed nuclear weapons and ICBMs that can reach any part of America, North Korea has ignored international sanctions and diplomatic attempts to check its nuclear ambitions.

America is afraid that North Korea could use its missiles to launch a nuclear attack or pressure it into certain decisions and also spread its nuclear and missile technology to other rogue states or terrorist groups.

North korea ballistic missile japan

Just last year, North Korea fired almost 90 ballistic missiles, surpassing its previous highest number of 25 recorded in 2017. Among these are short-range, medium-range, intermediate range, intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and cruise missiles. Though it is not clear how many exist; reports indicate that North Korea has around two hundred to three hundred such weapons including diverse types and ranges as well.

North Korean Ballistic Missiles Overview

North Korea’s ballistic missiles comprise short range to intercontinental ballistic missiles. The various ranges of the Hwasong series result from its Soviet and Iranian ancestry. Pukguksong series, which is the most capable, has a submarine-launched ballistic missile capability. The latest addition to their arsenal, Hwasong-18, tested December 2023, represents a major leap in North Korea’s missile capabilities.

Missile Type Range
Hwasong-5 SRBM 300 km
Hwasong-6 SRBM 500 km
Hwasong-7 MRBM 1,200 km
Hwasong-9 MRBM 800 km
Hwasong-12 IRBM Over 4,500 km
Hwasong-13 ICBM 5,500 - 11,500 km
Hwasong-14 ICBM Over 10,000 km
Hwasong-15 ICBM Over 13,000 km
Hwasong-18 ICBM Over 9,000 km
Pukguksong-1 SLBM Over 1,200 km
Pukguksong-2 MRBM (Solid-fueled) Over 2,000 km
Pukguksong-3 SLBM Over 1,900 km

The history of the missile program in North Korea

The missile program in North Korea dates back to the Cold War period when North Korea was trying to develop nuclear weapons as a way of deterring the US and its allies from attacking it. It was assisted by the Soviet Union in the 1950s to start its nuclear research and build its first reactor.

In the 1960s, North Korea obtained Scud missiles from Egypt and began producing their own versions known as Hwasongs. During the 1980s, both medium range and intermediate range ballistic missiles were developed by North Korea with assistance from China and Pakistan.

The history of the missile program in North Korea

In 1990s, it withdrew from NPT and conducted first nuclear test in 2006. During 2000s, there were negotiations between them and US with other countries; however, they continued testing weapons in addition to missiles which led them facing international sanctions.

North Korea’s missile program under Kim Jong-un advanced significantly in the early years of this decade during which he alleged that warheads for nuclear weapons had been successfully developed small enough for mounting on its missiles.

North Korea's missile program's current state

North Korea is advancing its nuclear weapons and missile technology despite the international sanctions and talks. In 2023, North Korea launched 23 missiles, many of which were new models in their short-range, medium-range, intermediate-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles designs.

The country has reportedly produced nuclear warheads that can be mounted on long range missiles which represent a major threat to the US and its allies. This is why the United States has deployed an anti-missile system there. –(IVNTV)

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