
NASA's Orbiter Successfully Locates ISRO's Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon

India's space research division, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), has located its mission, Chandrayaan-3, back on the surface of the …

Japan's SLIM mission faces power challenge after historic lunar landing

The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) of Japan became the fifth spacecraft to achieve a soft landing on the moon after it successfully touch…

SpaceX Launches First Batch of Starlink Satellites for Direct-to-Cell Internet

SpaceX, the rocket enterprise based via billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, has successfully launched its first batch of six Starlink satellites on…

India has launched its first dedicated X-ray polarimetry venture, XPoSat, to join the elite membership of X-ray polarimetry.

On the first day of 2024, India executed a amazing feat in area exploration by launching its first devoted X-ray polarimetry venture, XPoSat. The s…

NASA scientists have discovered proof of “strong floods” on the planet Mars that occurred billions of years ago

NASA was expected to go beyond its initial plans for Mars when it saw water indications from a drone that roamed across the planet and could be inh…

SpaceX, rocket company, has successfully launched 94 rockets since January, achieving 182 landings and 256 consecutive landings

Since January, SpaceX has succeeded in launching rockets for 94 times, with 182 landings of an orbital class rocket booster by Falcon 9 medium-lift…

ISRO chief S Somnath: ISRO launch India's first space station by 2028.

ISRO is planning to send India’s first ever international space station called the Bharat Space Station into orbit. The robotic module will weigh 8 t…

NASA’s cat video: The First Ultra-HD Video Streamed From Deep Space, Starring a Cat

NASA's Deep Space Optical Communications experiment has successfully transmitted a streaming video of an ultra-high definition from 31 million …

NASA Discovery: Life-Sparking Energy Source Found on Saturn’s Icy Moon

NASA has discovered crucial life factors and important energy sources on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. Its vast array of ejected water vapor and…
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