
North Korea tests underwater nuke weapons system in face of rising tensions

North Korea said Friday it successfully tested an "underwater nuclear weapons system" in response to the joint naval exercises led by the…

Top 10 strongest militaries in the world: Know India’s ranking 2024

Indeed, military strength covers a wide range of aspects from the size, quality, and preparedness of the armed forces through the quantity and soph…

15 most dangerous job in the world 2024

Most dangerous job in the world. The logging workers, fishing and hunting workers, aircraft pilots and flight engineers, roofers, refuse and recycl…

10 Of The Deadliest Poisonous Animals In The World

The poisonous animals are those who produce hurtful or deadly poisons that can destroy or immobilize other living creatures. Some of these venoms a…

Maldives-India Relations: A Rocky Road Ahead?

Maldives and India are two neighborly countries in the Indian Ocean, facing each other with open arms for very friendly and close ties based on str…

Nokia: The Story of the Once-Legendary Phone Maker

Nokia is a call that conjures up nostalgia and admiration for lots those who grew up in the era of mobile phones. The Finnish employer changed in…
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