
5 easy one pot meals to warm up your winter dining

The best season to enjoy some of your cozy and comforting one-pot meals that are quick to make at the same time healthy and delectable to have is d…

Top 6 Dietitian-Recommended Vegetables to Support Metabolic Health

Metabolic syndrome makes one prone to heart disease, diabetes, and other disorders. It includes at least three of the following: high blood sugar, …

Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan: How to Consume More Green and Less Sugar

If you're willing to lose some extra pounds, improve health conditions and at the same time save the environment, then a vegetarian diet plan c…

10 Types of Chillas to Indulge in Breakfast

Chilla is a tasty pancake preparation made with gram flour (besan) and sometimes rice flour as well. It is among the healthy breakfast meal menus w…
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