
2024 BMW Electric Scooter Price In India and features: Launch Soon

The launching date in India for BMW's first electric scooter is about to get announced within a few weeks' span. The BMW CE02 electric scoo…

New Jawa 350: The Modern Classic Roadster 2024

Famed as one of the most iconic Czech brands in India, Jawa Motorcycles is offering the new variant of the Jawa 350 in the country at an enticing p…

Hertz Tesla, Inc.: Leading in Renting and Selling Electric Vehicles

Most of the credit which Hertz Tesla, Inc. gets is because it is leading in renting cars as far as electric vehicles (EVs) are concerned. The compa…

7 Upcoming Maruti Suzuki Cars To Look Out For (Including 2 EVs)

Maruti Suzuki, the largest car manufacturer in India captures more than 50% of the market share. The company is known for its affordable, reliable,…

Suzuki Jimny: Custom Jimny Body Kits beautiful tribute to iconic hatchbacks and Suzuki Jimny all features

The Jimny has been sold in various markets worldwide, contributing to its global recognition and popularity. The reason for its triumph lies in its…

Hyundai SUVs will be launched by five cars in 2024, namely 2 EVs and 3 electric-powered SUVs included.

Hyundai Motor India Limited( HMIL) is planning to launch a range of new vehicles throughout 2024. This lineup could include five new SUVs, three IC…

The Tata Motors Plan to Launch 3 new Electric Vehicles in India by 2024

Tata Motors To Introduce Three New EVs In India By 2024. It has currently the biggest share in the electric vehicle market and Tata motors will bui…

Honda Field Explorer concept of the new WR-V (Elevate in India) will be showcased at the Tokyo Auto Salon 2024 in January

In Japan, Honda introduced their latest WR-V generation known as Elevate. It is important to note that this mid-size SUV is manufactured at Honda’s…

New Year Offer KTM Duke 125: the company has given an amazing EMI plan, price and Features Revealed

KTM Duke 125 has a new year offer where it is available at an EMI of Rs. 5,867 for 36 months. The down payment is Rs. 35,000 and the interest rate is…

Mahindra XUV300: Launch Date, price and Features Revealed

Mahindra XUV300 new year 2024: Mahindra XUV300 is supposed to undergo a facelift in 2024 with a new design, features and transmission options. The Ma…

Mahindra Thar 5-Door: new vehicle, has been revealed with its features, specifications, release date, and price

Mahindra is set to launch the Mahindra Thar 5-door in mid-2024, offering a maximum seating capacity of six or seven. The vehicle will have a longer…

Honda shine 100 new year offer, Rs 2,336, Take home on Installment created a buzz on the internet.

The Honda Shine 100 is now being sold at an impressive price of Rs 2,336 making it a favourite among bike enthusiasts. This elegant and economical …
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