India News

PM Modi Congratulates Japan for Achieving First Soft Moon Landing

Japan finally joined the five countries that have successfully soft-landed on the moon on Saturday, January 21, 2024. The Japan Aerospace Explorati…

Adani Group to invest Rs 12,400 crore in Telangana in various sectors

The Adani Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate originally started in Mumbai reacted to the CMO of Telangana and announced its investment of …

Jio Financial in Spotlight as Q3 Results Unfold Today – Angel One and More Companies Revealing 2024 Performance on Monday

As the financial year 2024 third quarter comes to an end and many of the companies are preparing to announce their earnings for the period. Promine…

Jio Financial Services Q3 Results: A Stellar Performance by RIL's Financial Arm

Jio Financial Services, the non-banking financial company (NBFC) of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), announced its third quarter results for the …

Elon Musk misses Vibrant Gujarat Summit What next for the Tesla's future in India?

Tesla, the world's biggest electric car maker, has been keen on a huge potential Indian market for long. The company's founder and CEO Elon…
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