The Tata Motors Plan to Launch 3 new Electric Vehicles in India by 2024

Tata Motors is an Indian multinational automotive company, plans to introduce three new electric vehicles (EVs) in India by 2024,
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Tata Motors To Introduce Three New EVs In India By 2024. It has currently the biggest share in the electric vehicle market and Tata motors will build on this by launching three more cars next year.

Tata Motors lead the Indian electric vehicle segment at present. It is India’s leading carmaker and controls more than seventy percent of the EV market with its diverse range of low-cost EVs. Serving several price brackets, it has models ranging from the Tiago EV to the most recent Nexon EV Facelift. 

By next year, Tata will go a step farther in unveiling three new electric vehicles for India. The introduction of Punch at the beginning of 2024 followed by Curvv and Harrier towards end of that year marks an important milestone for Tata Motors.

There were the 42,000 electric vehicles that Tata Motors sold in 2022, which is a rise of sales by 60%-70% to reach 65,000-70,000 units by the end of this year. This will enable the company to bring its three new EVs next year for more consumers with prices reaching around Rs. 30 lakh. 

Additionally, this approach offers more choices to customers when it comes to buying a car. Tata has worked really hard on this and now they can have the trust from their clients thus making them ready to launch new products based on that trust as such a strategy always helps in business. 

The Tata Punch EV Test Mule. Meanwhile; people at Tata do believe that in the long run market for electric vehicles will grow fast due to their low running costs.

The company will feature a range of 9-10 electric vehicles in the coming years where, other than affordable EVs, it will also target high-end cars that can do over 600 km in a single charge. 

The Tata Punch EV is expected to be released in India by the end of 2024 as for upcoming EVs and this model would have much improved looks and other features than its ICE version. According to reports, this Curvv EV will have a coupe-SUV-like design and it should be able to cover between 400 and 500 kilometers. Tata Curvv Concept.

Harrier EV is going to be the heavily modified electric specific derivative of OMEGA-Arc platform. The EV SUV is rumored to have a battery pack around 60 kWh that offers a claimed range of about 500 kilometers, and it could also come with dual-motor AWD configuration.

Tata Motors hit cars and price

Tata Motors hit cars and price

Model Price Range
Nexon Rs. 8.10 Lakh - Rs. 15.99 Lakh

Nexon: A compact SUV with 5-star safety rating, offering various fuel options (petrol, diesel, EV) and features.

Model Price Range
Punch Rs. 6.00 Lakh - Rs. 10.50 Lakh

Punch: A subcompact SUV that mixes tough uses with sports dynamics and has petrol and diesel powertrains.

Model Price Range
Harrier Rs. 15.49 Lakh - Rs. 23.39 Lakh

Harrier: A mid-size SUV that is designed for 5-star crash test performance, a strong diesel engine, and a premium look.

Model Price Range
Safari Rs. 16.19 Lakh - Rs. 27.34 Lakh

Safari: A 7-seat luxury performance-oriented SUV, which comes with a diesel engine in its spacious cabin.

Model Price Range
Altroz Rs. 6.60 Lakh - Rs. 10.23 Lakh

Altroz: A premium hatchback providing benchmark of style, safety and technology having petrol, diesel, i-Turbo and iCNG options.

Tata Motors review

Tata Motors: It is an Indian car manufacturer company and it is considered as one of the biggest in terms of global presences. It manufactures vehicles which are reliable, has good customer service and encourages its employees to learn new things as well as grow personally. –(IVNTV)

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