15 most dangerous job in the world 2024

Most dangerous job in the world demanding physical strength & involving heavy equipment. Transportation incidents are the most common fatal accidents.
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15 most dangerous job in the world 2024

Most dangerous job in the world. The logging workers, fishing and hunting workers, aircraft pilots and flight engineers, roofers, refuse and recyclable material collectors, iron and steel workers, truck drivers and sales drivers, farmers, ranchers, agricultural managers, construction workers, first-line supervisors of construction trades, electrical power-line installers and repairers, miners, underwater welders, oilfield workers, and police officers are some of the most common victims of fatal accidents in these industries.

These jobs included physical demands, heavy equipment and high-risk environments where most of the fatal accident is common with transportation incidents. The workers on these jobs make an average annual salary of $47,900.

Logging Workers

15. Logging Workers:

Workers gather forests to act as raw materials for buildings. Workers involve themselves in physical labor and more often than not in remoteness and unsympathetic weather. Contact with objects and machinery is the most prevalent causing factor. The average earning goes at $47,900.

Fishing and Hunting Workers

14. Fishing and Hunting Workers:

These workers conduct simple tasks used to trap and catch lands animals or fish. They may work from boats, in forests and other isolated areas and may depend on a range of specialist equipment like traps, nets, guns among others. The most typical fatal accident is transportation incidents. The overall average salary equals to $58,820.

Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers

13. Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers:

Pilots and flight engineers fly and navigate aircrafts. Flying airtight transport people and goods. The most common fatal accident concerns transportation incidents. The average salary is $147,220.


12. Roofers:

Roofers are craftspeople who are responsible for laying and fixing roofs in other buildings or homes. The work may involve working from heights and also with heavy equipment. The most common fatal accident is falls, slips, and trips. Salary, on average, is $45,900.

Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors

11. Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors:

Workers in this industry collect and dispose of trash together with recyclable materials. Fatal accidents from within this line of work are usually caused by transportation incidences. On average, one is paid $39,710.

Iron and Steel Workers

10. Iron and Steel Workers:

Workers in this industry put together iron or steel beams, girders, columns into place to build buildings, bridges, and other structures. This job requires working at heights and with heavy equipment. The most common fatal accident is falls, slips, and trips. An average salary is $56,940.

Truck Drivers and Sale Drivers

09. Truck Drivers and Sale Drivers:

The workers help move goods over short or long distances. The most common fatal accident is transportation incidents. It pays the workers an average of $38,040.

Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers

08. Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers:

They grow crops, breed livestock, farm and ranch. The most common is transportation incidents. They earn an average of about $73,840.

Construction Workers

07. Construction Workers:

Construction workers build and repair buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures. They work at different heights using heavy tools. Fall, slips and trips are the most fatal accidents. The average salary is $47,430.

First-Line Supervisors of Construction and Extraction Workers

06. First-Line Supervisors of Construction and Extraction Workers:

They are responsible for the supervision and coordination of activities that construction workers involved with this industry carry out. They may have to work on heights and heavy equipment. Falls, slips, and trips represent common fatal accident causes in line with working. Their mean wage is $71,790.

Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers

05. Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers:

Workers in this industry install and repair electrical power systems. Work at different heights and with high voltage equipment is common for this job. The most fatal accidents are falls, slips, and trips. Average salary is 75030 dollars.

Mining field

04. Mining field:

These people extract minerals and other resources from the Earth. The career is confined work including work with big machinery. The most frequent fatal accident that occurs to them is transportation incidents. The average salary for this occupation falls under $54,020.

Underwater Welders

03. Underwater Welders:

Workers must weld and cut metal structures underwater. The worker must work in confined spaces and with high voltage equipment. The most frequent fatal accident is drowning. "underwater welder salary" The average salary of $54,750.

Oilfield Workers

02. Oilfield Workers

They drill for oil and gas. They work from remote locations and use heavy equipment. The most common fatal accident is transportation incidents. They have an average salary of $47,640.

Police Officers

01. Police Officers:

Those in this industry ensure law and order, investigate crimes and protect people's lives and property. Fatal accidents in this category are mainly drawn from transportation incidents of about 6 out of the total 26 fatal accidents reported. The average earning is $67,290.

That such jobs are dangerous and that proper training and safety precautions are needed so that no accidents happen therein. If you want to work in any of them, you have to be realistic with regard to the riskiness of such jobs and develop adequate precautions for your protection. –(IVNTV)

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