Best Apples to Eat: The Healthiest Apples from Green to Red and Beyond

The article ranks types of apples green to red, the entire spectrum and concludes with the most popular healthiest type
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Best Apples to Eat: The Healthiest Apples from Green to Red and Beyond

Apples are a classic fruit pick. They're the unofficial mascot of lunchbox side dishes and, when dipped in nut butter, make a delish afternoon snack. They even hang out at McDonald’s as a healthy Happy Meal side.

No wonder then that the U.S. is among world's largest apple producers, next only to China. We produce each year an average 240 million bushels of apples, according head of the U.S. Apple Association.

But, of the multitude of varieties available, is there a leader of packs in terms of healthfulness? Here's what we found out about the nutritional values of types of apples.

Which apple is the healthiest?

Which apple is the healthiest?

Whether that's Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp or Gala; all apple types will benefit to your health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — a low 12.3% of American adults meet their fruit intake recommendations. The more apples in your diet, the better, says Crumble Smith—no matter kind.

Some, though, come with unique health benefits. Red Delicious apples are the healthiest from an antioxidant standpoint, says Crumble Smith. Antioxidants are the ones that discourage oxidants so as to balance free radicals and protect healthy structures of the body hence reduce diseases. The darker the apple, the more antioxidants it contains. Antioxidants in the body are used to prevent free radicals from damaging cells resulting in disease.

Along with antioxidants, apples are also an excellent source of fibers, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols. Another group of your body's free radical fighters consists of the so-called polyphenols. While providing numerous health benefits, another potential advantage of being consumed, as far as antioxidants are concerned, is their ability to prevent cancer, inflammation, diseases of heart and weight gain.

Perhaps surprisingly, apples are considered a major source of antioxidants in the United States and worldwide. If you’ve ever perused the produce aisle of the supermarket wondering if the nutritional benefits differ between apple varieties, know that the short answer is yes – and that this has a lot to do with these polyphenol antioxidants.

This is partly because polyphenols contribute towards the distinctly different tastes and colors of apples. Different apple varieties, in effect, contain quite dissimilar amounts and types of polyphenols that impact that variety's health effects attributed to it.

This article will delve into the nutritional qualities of 8 most popular apple varieties.

Red Delicious apple

Red Delicious apple

Similar to the image of that classic red apple in the movies, cartoons, and paintings drawn by a cartoonist, comes a shiny Red Delicious apple's apparition in your mind as soon as you discuss apples.

Studies proved that anthocyanidins levels are higher in apples with a red-colored skin than the others. Anthocyanidins belong to the group of phytonutrients that lend vegetables as well as fruit a reddish, purplish, and bluish hue. They also happen to be a kind of antioxidants from within the group of polyphenols.

In addition to anthocyanidins, Red Delicious apples have polyphenols called epicatechin, flavonoids, flavonols and phloridzin. Studies have determined that the antioxidant content is higher in the peel than in the pulp of confectionery apples; however, this holds good for all apple varieties.

Besides these many polyphenols, the Red Delicious apples are not less than 28 in number of additional types of bioactive compounds, all contributing to the health benefits.

Comparative analysis of the mineral composition in five Pakistani apple cultivars, including Kashmiri Amri, Sky Spur, Kala Kulu, Golden Delicious, and Red Delicious, revealed that the amount of calcium was comparatively higher in case of Red Delicious among both the peel and pulp.

Calcium is a major kind of mineral in your body. It greatly keeps your bones and teeth strong, at the same time helping to regulate nerve and muscle function.

Granny Smith apple

Granny Smith apple

Tart and bright green Granny Smith apples are as well one of the most nutritious apple varieties available.

Granny smith apples have much higher amounts of non-digestible compounds, including dietary fiber and polyphenols, compared with other apples. These may modify the population of bacteria that reside in your gut. 

Healthy gut microbiota associates with lower risks of suffering from obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

Additionally, Granny Smith apples are of low glycemic index value as compared to other types of apples because they drive a marginal rise in the blood sugar level that builds up over time. With such, it can be effective in averting the roller coaster effect of blood sugars whereby there is an increase in blood sugar and results in a fall that may impact on your level of energy and encourage mood swings.

Also, Granny Smith apples contain malic acid, another form of organic acid that could assist in maintaining good oral health through the reduction of bacteria in the mouth. It also stimulates the flow of saliva to reduce dryness hence eliminating halitosis.

Honeycrisp apple

Honeycrisp apple

Honeycrisp apples are the one of the newest variety by the University of Minnesota in the 1990s. They're known for their crisp texture and juicy, sweet-tart flavor.

Honeycrisp apples contain more water compared to the rest of the apples, and in that case, it would go a long way in helping to fill one up and at the same time hydrating the body. Indeed, low calorie density would also imply fewer calories per unit weight of the food.

Honeycrisp apples also contain high amounts of vitamin C which is a very important antioxidant that can help to boost your immunity, protect cells from damages and quite easily facilitate synthesis of collagen. Iron that is required for functioning of a body to work in a full capacity gets absorbed much better if a person consumes food containing vitamin C from the natural source like spinach or beans for example.

Honeycrisp apples also have quercetin that is a flavonoid type having anti-inflammatory properties and contains other properties, including anti-viral as well as anti-cancer. Quercetin also helps in the lowering of blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar.

Gala apple

Gala apple

Gala apples are among the most consumed and grown type of apples in the whole wide world. They have thin skin peelings and when taken, they are crispy as well as sweet.

Gala apple has a high amount of pectin, a soluble fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol levels and regulating blood sugar as well as creating a healthy gut. Pectin can also prolong your fullness therefore helping you manage your weight.

Gala apple contains the catechin polyphenol, which may improve the blood flow, decline in blood pressure, and protect against oxidative stress. Extending life has also shown promise in the catechin through the means of brain function, memory, and mood as well.

Gala apples also contribute to a good source of potassium that helps to balance fluids and electrolytes in your body, control your heartbeat and support muscle and nerve function.

Fuji apple

Fuji apple

Fuji apples are crossbred between Red Delicious and Ralls Janet apples. The flesh is firm and rigid, hence juicy and crunchy with high sweetness in flavor.

One of the sweetest apple types, Fuji apples are very sweet, and this is an indicator that they have more content of sugar compared to several other types of apples. Coupled with high dietary fiber, however, this plays a role as sugar absorber so as to avoid spiking of blood sugar levels.

Vitamin A is also provided by Fuji apples, which is a fat-soluble nutrient that can help support your vision, skin, and immune system. Vitamin A can also help protect from age-related macular degeneration, one of the primary causes of blindness.

Fuji apples also have chlorogenic acid, a type of polyphenol that can help prevent the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are harmful compounds that can pile up in your body and contribute to aging, inflammation, and chronic diseases.

Golden Delicious apple

Golden Delicious apple

The Golden Delicious apple men have a mild, sweet flavor and are yellow-green in color with a very thin skin. They are among the most versatile apples since one can use them either raw or cooked.

Golden Delicious apple also is a good source of vitamin B6 – a water-soluble vitamin that can help metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your body. Vitamin B6 could possibly be one that will help in producing some neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine by which it could regulate your mood, sleep, and appetite.

Golden Delicious apples are also a source of procyanidins, an important type of polyphenol that may reduce the risk of blood clots and help relax and open up your blood vessels, resulting in lowered blood pressure.

Pink Lady apple

Pink Lady apple

Pink Lady is a brand name for Cripps Pink apples having a pink blush and generally crisp and tart in taste on a green-yellow background.

Pink Lady apples provide a good quantity of vitamin C which acts as a strong antioxidant that will help your immune system, protect the cells from negative effect, and synthetize collagen. Vitamin C might also increase nonheme iron absorption in plant foods such as spinach or beans.

Pink Lady apples also contain anthocyanins, which is one of the types of polyphenol that may help fruit and as well as vegetables achieve their shades of red, blue, and purple. Anthocyanins can possibly help control cancer, inflammation, heart disease, and obesity diseases.

Pink Lady apples also have a high water content, which can help you stay hydrated and feel full.

McIntosh apple

McIntosh apple

McIntosh apples are traditional Canadian fruit with red and green skin and soft juicy flesh. They're tart to taste having a peculiar aroma, and are best tasted raw or as applesauce.

McIntosh apples are a great source of vitamin K, which is a fat-soluble nutrient that can help your blood clot in order to prevent excessive bleeding and support bone health. Vitamin K can also help to prevent the calcification of your arteries, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

McIntosh apples also serve as a source of phloretin, a kind of polyphenol that aids in lowering blood sugar levels, increasing insulin sensitivity, and preventing diabetes complications. Phloretin is known to have inhibiting abilities against growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. –(IVNTV)

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