Optimal time and method for accurate weight measurement

The article provides guidance on when to weigh oneself and how to achieve accurate results.
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There are several underlying factors that contribute to an individual's weight. But a lot could be at play to affect the accuracy of your scale readings, like the time of day, clothing, hydration level and finally the quality of your scale. You'll need to follow some best practices when and how you weight yourself, in order for you to get most reliable, consistent results. Here are some of the tips that will help you get the accurate results from your scale.

When to weigh yourself

When to weigh yourself

The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, before you eat or drink anything, and after you use the bathroom. This is because of the fact that depending on the food and fluid intake during the day, or how physically active you are; even things like hormone fluctuations can all affect this number. Weighing in first thing in the morning tends to better regulate these variables and give you a more consistent baseline measurement.

However, the exact time of day isn't nearly as important as the consistency. What's most important is to weigh yourself at the same time each and every day or at least once a week to monitor progress and trends. If you weigh yourself at different times of the day, you might see different numbers indicating no representation of your real weight change.

How to weigh yourself

How to weigh yourself

Other than choosing the right time to use the scale, one also has to be careful about how they use it. Highlighted below are some tips on using a scale so that you don't get a wrong result:

  • You must own a digital scale since this is usually calibrated and functions well. Avoid spring-loaded scales, because their accuracy wears out over time. Check up on your scale's accuracy by putting a known weight like a dumbbell or a bag of flour right on it - and seeing whether the display agree. You can also calibrate your scale by adjusting it to zero before you step on it.

  • Set your scale on a hard, level and flat surface. Don't use carpet, rugs or other uneven floors that will have adverse impacts on the balance and stability of the scale. You can also use ways, like making use of a level tool to make sure that your scale isn't tilted or slanted.

  • Take to your scale barefoot, allowing your feet to be independent of each other and put on the platform. Stand still without leaning, shifting or moving from side to side as this may reset the weight balance thereby adjusting to a reading accuracy. Hold your head levelled, looking directly ahead without focusing at the dial display below.

  • I either wear very few clothes or am naked while weighing in. Clothing could add a bit of weight to your measurement, most especially when it is heavy, wet, or bulky. If you wear clothes, can you please at least wear something light and minimal, and also use the same kind of attire every time you weigh yourself for consistency.

  • Record your weight, look for how you are going. You can use a notebook, a spreadsheet, an app, or a website to log your weight and see how it changes over time. You can also use other measurements, such as body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, waist circumference, or fitness level, to supplement your weight measurement and get a comprehensive view of your health.

When to disregard your scale

When to disregard your scale

While weighing yourself can be such a useful tool, it isn't the one or only key indicator to determine your health. Your weight is affected by many factors and some of those factors are not within your ability to control the situation like gender, age, genetics, and conditions which require medication. In addition, your weight does not measure your body composition, muscle mass, bone density, and water retention especially that of a woman during her menstrual cycle.

Therefore, you should not obsess over your scale or let it dictate your self-esteem, your mood, or your happiness. If weighing yourself causes stress, anxiety, guilt, or frustration, take a break from it or limit how often you do it. If you have concerns or problems with your weight, with your diet or with regard to your body image, please contact a doctor, a nutritionist or a therapist.

Remember your weight is just a number, does not mean anything in any case. The main thing is your aiming towards the well-being as a whole and your record of life and happiness. –(IVNTV)

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