Top 10 strongest militaries in the world: Know India’s ranking 2024

List of Top 10 militaries counties: India's ranking in the top 10 strongest militaries in the world is known as 2024.
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Indeed, military strength covers a wide range of aspects from the size, quality, and preparedness of the armed forces through the quantity and sophistication of the accompanying weapons and equipment even on to the budget but also national resources that are earmarked for defense, geopolitical influence and alliances of the country in question, or finally the strategic objectives that underpin military doctrine.

The different sources may have used different methods and criteria to rank the military powers of the nations, thus causing variations and discrepancies.

One of the most far-reaching and widely cited, however, is the Global Firepower (GFP) index - in which 145 countries are assessed based on more than 60 individual factors that comprise not onlymanpower but airpower, land forces, naval forces, logistics, finances, and geography. Each country is given a PowerIndex rating using the GFP index and nations with the lower scores are deemed to have stronger military capabilities.

Here are top 10 strongest militaries 2024:

1. United States🇺🇸 military

With a PowerIndex score of 0.0699, he United States stays the preeminent military power in the entire world.

The US has the biggest defense budget and is set to spend $876 billion just in 2024, an amount bigger than the total sum spent for their military forces by ten countries. Further, it has the most advanced sophisticated technological advancement and innovation in the military with the aerospace, cyber and medical leading.

The total number of military personnel for the US is 2,127,500 where 1,377,500 is active while the other 750,000 act as reserves. The US has an estimated 5,800 warheads that is a fierce arsenal of nuclear weapons. The US is present in all the seven continents with bases and alliance. The US is a founding member of NATO and is one of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

2. Russia🇷🇺 military

Russia follows closely with an estimated PowerIndex of 0.0702.

The Russian Federation has the world largest number of military personnel which is 3,570,000 persons including 1,020,000 active and 2,550,000 reserve. It also boasts the largest number of tanks (12,950) and armored vehicles (27,400) in the world as well as a formidable fleet of 4,163 aircraft and 603 ships.

Russia is the only country that comes even close to the US when it's estimated to have nuclear weapons amounting to 6,375 warheads.

Russia has to its name, a massive and diverse geography for a country spread over an approximate range of 11 time zones and shares its borders with up to 16 countries. Russia is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council and head to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

3. China🇨🇳 military

China's military ranks on number three most powerful in the world with its PowerIndex score at 0.0706.

China has the largest population in the world of around 1.4 billion people and the second-largest economy globally with a gross domestic product of $16.6 trillion. China has a second to the largest defense budget in the world of $261 billion come 2024 which is a 7.5% percent increase from the previous year.

China has a sum of 3,170,000 military personnel comprising 2,185,000 active and 985,000 reserves. China also holds the world largest number of ships at 777, this number comprises of two aircraft carriers and 76 submarines.

China is estimated to hold about 320 nuclear warheads and its already embarking on developments for its hypersonic missiles and artificial intelligence. China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and the leader in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

4. India🇮🇳 military

India has the fourth most powerful military in the world, with the score being 0.1023 on the PowerIndex.

India is the second-most populous country globally, having a population of about 1.38 billion people, and ranks fifth in the world largest economies with a GDP of about $3.3 trillion. India is the third largest spender of defense of the world with the spending of $77.6 billion in 2024, improvement had been witnessed of 10% then the preceding year. 

India contains a total number of military personnel of about 5,137,550, graded class with 1,447,550 active and 3,690,000 reserve. India also has a large and diversified fleet of 2,123 aircraft, and 295 ships including one aircraft carrier and 17 submarines.

India's nuclear program is estimated to have 150 warheads and is developing ballistic missile defense as well as space capabilities. India is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the G20, and the BRICS.

5. South Korea🇰🇷 military

South Korea stands as the fifth most powerful military in the world with a power index score of 0.1416.

South Korea has a population of 51.7 million people with the GDP being US$1.6 trillion. The country has the tenth world's largest defense budget that spends high at $48.5 billion in 2024 while taking up a 5.2% increase from the preceding year.

Korea Armed Forces, South have a total of 3,820,000 military personnel which include 600,000 active and 3,220,000 reserve. South Korea also encompasses modern and sophisticated fleets of 1,614 aircraft and 166 ships and one aircraft carrier and 23 submarines.

South Korea has a significant alliance with the US and 28,500 US troops are stationed in South Korea. South Korea is affiliated with the OECD, the APEC, and the East Asia Summit.

6. United Kingdom🇬🇧 military

The United Kingdom registers as the sixth powerful military in the world with a PowerIndex score of 0.1443.

UK has an estimated population of 67.9 million people and a GDP of $3 trillion. UK is the seventh largest spending country on defence budget in the world, which took up $61.5 billion in 204 having a 3% jump since 2013.

The overall including active staff, paramilitary, and reserve is 1,108,860 people of which activity are 148,860 while 960,000 go down as reserves. Not only that, the UK also has 832 aircraft and 76 ships including two aircraft carriers and 11 submarines it can be proud of its historic fleet. The UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and has an estimated 215 nuclear warheads.

7. Japan🇯🇵 military

Japan has the seventh most powerful military in the world, with a PowerIndex score of 0.1601.

Japan's population is 126.5 people and its GDP is $5.4 trillion. Japan holds the eighth-largest defense budget in the world, and it spends $52.6 billion for 2024, which is a 1.1% increase from the prior year. The number of Japan military totair personnel amounted to 328,150, including 248,150 active and 80,000 reserve.

Japan too has a modern and advanced fleet of 1,561 aircraft and 131 ships including four aircraft carriers and 22 submarines. Japan strongly allies with the US and hosts 54,000 US troops on its soil. Japan is a member of the G7, the G20, the APEC, and the East Asia Summit.

8. Turkiye🇹🇷 military

Turkiye ranks in ninth position of the most powerful militaries in the world index according to the PowerIndex score of 0.1697.

Turkiye has a population of 84.3 million people and has a GDP of $761.4 billion. The defense price range of Turkiye is the fifteenth largest across the globe, having to spend $22.6 billion in the year 2024, expanding by 5.6% than that in the previous year. Turkiye has 355,200 active military personnel, while its reserve military personnel are 528,700.

Turkiye also has 1,067 aircraft and 149 ships in the army, which flight includes one air-craft carrier and 16 submarines. It is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. It is a member of NATO, the OIC, G20, and the Turkic Council.

9. Pakistan🇵🇰 military

Pakistani is the 9th most powerful military with a PowerIndex score of 0.1711.

Pakistan has an approximate population of 233.5 million people and a GDP bordering around $314.6 billion. Pakistan has the 17th largest defense budget, spends $13.6 billion in 2024 from the previous year which is increased by 6.3%. Pakistan has a total number of military personnel sums to be at 1,704,000, including active personnel of 654,000 and reserve personnel of 1,050,000. 

Pakistan also has a big diversified fleet of 1,372 aircraft and 197 ships that also include nine submarines. It is supposed to have about 160 nuclear warheads and it is developing tactical nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Pakistan has close relations with China and rivalry with India. Pakistan is a member state of OIC, SCO, and D-8.

10. Italy 🇮🇹 military

Italy ranks as the tenth strongest military country in the world, having a PowerIndex score of 0.1863.

Italy has a population of 60.3 million people with a GDP of about $2.1 trillion. Its defense budget ranks 12th in the world with approximately $28.9 billion in 2024, having increased by 4.2% compared to last year. Italy has a total military personnel of 289,000 made up of 174,500 active and 114,500 reserve. Italy also has a modern and capable fleet of 791 aircraft and 143 ships including two...

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