about us


About Ivntv News - Your Trusted Source for In-Depth Journalism in Jammu and Kashmir, India

Your most welcome in IVNTV,your most trusted and authentic site where we provide you comprehensive and lucid news updates from different parts of the world.

Our Story

Our IVNTV has been emerged from a journalism's point of view.We speculate on the nature of Valid and Authentic News updates that are rising from distant parts of world.We are being determined to provide you factual News information and we are trying to make our modern youth aware of it.

Our Mission

At IVNTV ,we are laboring hard to make a gap between information that we receive and our understanding. We observe the impact of spot on News on individuals and society at large.Therefore here we are trying to uncover the valid and true News that would be helpful for all of you .Our motive is to bring a positive change in society.

Our Vision

Our vision goes beyond a News platform.We aspire to be a pillar of journalism, a voice for thousands of voiceless and a vision of hope in media landscape. We envision a world where truth prevails, where power of knowledge goes beyond boundaries and where journalism remains a backbone for democracy.

Meet Our Team

Behind IVNTV there is a diverse and dedicated group comprises of editors,photographers, and analysts. There is an organization which is working tirelessly to uncover unheard stories giving voices to voiceless and to provide the valid and comprehensive news.Always we are trying to provide the grounded information to the people.

Our Editorial Philosophy

At IVNTV,we hold rigorous and careful editorial philosophy based on ethics and authenticity . We understand our responsibility and trying to approach each story with integrity.  You can trust that our News is based on facts , research and present multiple perspectives.

Get Involved

IVNTV priorities your valuable participation. Your voice is indispensable in modifying the collective understanding of the world.we always appreciate your feedback ,news tips and contributions.  Please don't hesitate to visit our " Contact Us " page to get in connection with our team. Your admonishing talks will improve our platform.

Stay Connected

We will always want you to stay connected and receive updates, follow us on Facebook,Twitter,Telegram and Whatsapp . We can also our community and engage in our meaningful discussions about those topics that matters a lot for you.

Thank You for Choosing IVNTV

We deeply appreciate you for choosing IVNTV as your most trusted source for news in j & k, India.  Inshallah we will continue to throw light on those stories that have been denied for ages , we will understand and will inspire the positive change.

You can join us on  this fascinating journey as we will reveal the values of truth, transparency and integrity in journalism. Together we will brighten the world with factual knowledge, and stories at a time.

Aaqib Amin

About Aaqib Amin

Pulwama , Jammu and Kashmir

Hello! I'm Aaqib Amin, and I serve as both the developer and writer for this news website. I reside in Jammu and Kashmir, India. My mission is to provide my viewers and readers with accurate and truthful information. I believe in authenticity and deliver only fact-based news and articles to my audience.

I rely on thorough research and evidence in my articles, ensuring that the latest news is published promptly for my audience. I write news and current events that are in line with the sentiments and needs of the public. I'm always available for contact with my viewers and readers. If you'd like to reach out for a specific conversation, question, or suggestion, please feel free to contact me at email.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to receiving your valuable feedback and suggestions.

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