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Address: Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir, India

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Get in touch.

Thank you for your interest in reaching out to IVNTV. We welcome your feedback, inquiries, news tips, and benefactions. Your engagement is essential to us, and we're there to help you.

For general inquiries

still have suggestions or feedback regarding our website or content, if you have any general questions. We value your input and are committed to furnishing the most stylish possible experience for our compendiums.

For news tips and stories

We encourage you to share news tips, story ideas, or submit your own content for consideration. Our editorial platoon is always eager to admit precious perceptions and benefactions from our community.

For technical support

Still, please reach out to us, and our specialized support platoon will help you instantly if you encounter any specialized issues while using our website or mobile app.

Connect with us on social media.

Stay updated with the latest news and engage with us on social media platforms. You can find us on Facebook, WhatsApp groups, WhatsApp channels, and Telegram. Join our online community and be part of the discussion.

Privacy Concerns

Your sequestration matters to everyone. However, please feel free to get in touch, and we will address your inquiries if you have any questions about our sequestration practices or data handling.

Advertising and hookups

Still, please communicate with our business development platoon if you're interested in advertising openings or exploring implicit hookups with IVNTV. We look forward to agitating mutually salutary collaborations.

Join our team.

Still, please visit our" Careers" page for information about current job openings. If you're passionate about journalism and would like to join the IVNTV platoon,

Thank you for choosing IVNTV

We appreciate your support and trust in IVNTV as your preferred source for news in Jammu and Kashmir, India. We're committed to furnishing you with dependable,  unprejudiced, and instructional content. Your engagement and feedback are inestimable to us as we continue to deliver news that matters.

For any other inquiries or specific requirements not covered, please use the provided contact information, and we will respond to your communication as soon as possible.

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